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Marcus Allen Jersey Usc

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добавлено: 2015-11-13 13:32:18      сообщение # 0
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Marcus Allen Jersey

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Marcus Allen Jersey Usc
   Because I'm not at home, let the little brother on the door laundry collection, then do not fly the laundry I have to say the owner has not received is not the first time the occurrence of the case. Later, a call to the little brother, little brother came to help me find a person to send home. SF is not the same! Bag color slightly lighter than the picture of some very lovely, exquisite workmanship. The only downside is the buckle a little bit crooked, too lazy to change, ready to travel back eleven attention AZA bag shop has a few months, two-eleven to buy a few, this time to engage in activities when photographed, and the price is very affordable.
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